To enjoy prosperity, permanence and peace in the financial area of life, O & O Financial Services recommends checking out the following books and websites:

Become Your Own Banker - Nelson Nash
This is not your average read. You have to actually engage the thinking portion of your brain to get just a taste of the wealth of information and knowledge that Nelson has put in this workbook for the uncommon common man. Change the way you think about money - your money. Change the way you use your money. Change the way you control your money. Learn what the banks do to create wealth and turn it around and use the same techniques to make yourself wealthy. Read it, then re-read it and re-read it 17 more times.
A Path to Financial Peace of Mind - Dwayne Burnell
The book presents case studies with carefully crafted examples to help you understand the effects of time, interest, and risk on your money. You will not only learn how to shield your savings from stock market losses, but also how to achieve healthy, predictable growth while maintaining liquid access to your cash. Dwayne makes this powerful tool easy to understand and implement as part of a lifetime financial strategy for individuals, couples and families of any age and income level.
Confession of a CPA - Bryan Bloom
If what you thought to be true turned out not to be, when would you want to know? Obviously right away! This book is a compilation of eight commonly held financial “truths” that are generally accepted as hallmarks of a sound financial plan. What if they aren’t true? What impact does relying on something that isn’t true have on your financial future?
The Great Wall Street Retirement Scam – Rick Bueter
The info here will certainly broaden your horizons and make you see a bigger picture about the shortcomings of Wall Street's retirement vehicles. The author does a good job connecting the dots, giving a historical perspective and most importantly - provides the tools and sources to dig for more info. It's an awesome read for anyone looking for a more stable or guaranteed retirement income.

Watch 6 Trillion Dollar 401K Scam

Listen to Rick’s Radio show: Click here
The Pirates of Manhattan – Barry James Dykes
The Pirates of Manhattan documents the enormous powers commercial and Wall Street investment banks exert over the American financial system. Through deregulation, de-supervision and subsidization by the tax payers banks have become major power centers in economies throughout the world. There is no meaningful regulation of banks or other asset managers.

Watch Barry James Dykes
Missed Fortune 101 - Douglas R. Andrew
Douglas R. Andrew dares to question the conventional wisdom on personal finance that most people accept. He reveals the ways banks, credit unions, and insurance companies amass tremendous wealth-what they do, and what they don't do. He shows you how to seize financial opportunities you never knew existed. With MISSED FORTUNE 101 as your guide, you'll never view your house, your mortgage, your retirement plans, your investments, and your other assets the same way again.
Stop Sitting on Your Assets - Marian Snow
How would you like to: 1) Safely leverage and compound assets you didn't realize you had? 2) Become your own bank and build family wealth? 3) Pile up stock market gains, but never take the losses? 4) Lock-in a rich, secure and carefree retirement? 5) Transform the IRS into your wealth-building partner? 6) Create real wealth, empowering you to help others? 7) Get to your existing retirement funds with little or no taxes? 8) Leave a fortune to your heirs? STOP SITTING ON YOUR ASSETS make these a reality.
Informative Websites: – Check out this website because it’s goal is to increase public awareness of the nature and urgency of key fiscal challenges threatening America's future and to accelerate action on them. To address these challenges successfully, we work to bring Americans together to find and implement sensible, long-term solutions that transcend age, party lines and ideological divides in order to achieve real results. – Check out this website to see real time debt calculators at work. Pretty scary! – Americans for Secure Retirement (ASR) brings together a broad-based coalition of more than 70 member and affiliate organizations committed to raising awareness of the increasing challenges Americans face in having a financially secure retirement. In particular, ASR advocates for greater attention around efforts that would ensure all Americans have access to guaranteed streams of retirement income that cannot be outlived. – Learn more about the infinite banking concept from Nelson Nash, the discoverer and developer of The Infinite Banking Concept™ through dividend-paying whole life insurance and the author of Becoming Your Own Banker. - Studentloanjustice.Org is a grassroots, citizens’ organization dedicated to returning standard consumer protections to student loans.

Informative Videos:  
401K Fallout

The Vanderbilt vs Rothschild story

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